DYM Study Day: What happens at Mass?
About the day
Catholics attend Mass every Sunday and major feast day. Some attend every day. It is a liturgical celebration most are quite familiar with, and stands at the very centre of the Christian worship. As Vatican II said, it is the “source and summit of the Christian life“. But do we actually understand what is happening at Mass, and why? What are its origins? What gives it its particular structure? Join us for a study day on the Mass, where we will explore both Sacred Scripture and the Church’s rich theological tradition to help us enter more deeply into this most sacred of mysteries.
The day will focus on two areas. Firstly, Fr Richard Ounsworth OP will unpack the biblical basis of the Mass, looking at both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. He will consider Biblical typology, notions of sacrifice, and the Mass as an eschatological event. Secondly, Fr Richard Conrad OP will explain the mystery that stands at the very heart of the Eucharist, the real presence of the body and blood of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine.
There will be three talks, as well as time for questions and discussion. We will also celebrate Mass together in the priory church, and lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend, but registration is essential.
Who is it for?
The day is open to any young adults (18-35), whether you are new to the Catholic tradition or looking to deepen your faith.
Date and Timings
Saturday 3rd February 2024, 10:00 – 16:30
10:00: Arrivals, tea & coffee
10:30: ‘The Mass: the Written Word made Flesh‘ (Richard Ounsworth OP), followed by questions
11:45: Mass (priory church)
12:30: Lunch (soup and sandwiches provided)
13:30: We Proclaim the Death of the Lord until He Comes‘ (Richard Ounsworth OP), followed by questions
14:30: Tea & coffee
15:00: ‘The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist‘ (Richard Conrad OP), followed by questions’
How to get there
Blackfriars Priory, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LY.
Blackfriars Priory is located in the centre of Oxford, and is a short walk from the train station. More information can be found on the website (https://www.blackfriars.org.uk/).
Booking information
The study day is free of charge, but booking is essential. To receive the booking form, and if you have any further questions, please email us:
Br John: john.church@english.op.org or Br Jerome: jerome.johnson@english.op.org
Bethany Mulvey
This is so good and so much needed in the Church today. Have advertised as widely as I can and hope it is really well attended. Hope there will be more like this in future as well. Also dream of online study programme for parishes in Lent……