New Prior Provincial Elected
With joy, the brothers announce the election of a new Prior Provincial, Fr Nicholas Paul Crowe OP, who was elected by the Provincial Chapter and confirmed by the Master of the Order yesterday. The Prior Provincial leads our Province of England, a territory within the worldwide Dominican Order consisting of Britain plus Jamaica and Grenada.

On Tuesday evening after Vespers, the Master’s letter of confirmation was read, and Fr Nicholas made his Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity, and so took office, taking over from Fr Martin Ganeri OP (who has served two consecutive terms of four years, the maximum allowed).
The Chapter now continues in Oxford under his presidency, as the capitulars (elected delegates of the different houses of the Province) discuss the needs of our Dominican mission in England, Scotland, Grenada and Jamaica, and plans are advanced – and brothers are assigned roles – to advance the mission of the Order, for the salvation of souls.
Please continue to pray for us, and especially for Fr Nicholas who has been tasked with this responsibility for the next four years.
May God who has begun this good work bring it to perfection in Christ. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary and patroness of the Order of Preachers, pray for us.
Sister Teresa
Please send all our love, prayers and congratulations to Father Nicholas and be assured of the continuing prayers of the sisters of the English Dominican Congregation.
Peter Kilty
Our prayers are with Fr Nick at the Leicester lay Dominican Chapter.
Sr. Maria Magdalena, CSSF
🤩 Congratulations!!! 🌹 🎊
I was part of my Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary many moons ago. I had considered entering their Monastery in Union City-USA. After the changes, I entered the Felician-Franciscan Order. I am still connected with many of their Monastery’s.
Michael & Marisa Crowe
Prayers and love from your family.
Joanna Mary
Prayers and many good wishes from across the pond in America. Will continue prayers for Fr. Crowe and your Province.
Bernard Looney
Congratulations, we look forward to seeing you here again. We will keep you in our prayers.
Bernard and Margaret
Marion Jordaan
congratulations and best wishes Fr Nicholas. As ‘the joy of the Lord was Dominic’s strength’ may it be you strength too in taking the Province forward. I will miss your face at Black friars when I ‘tune-in’ for daily Mass.
Sincerely, Marion
Rev Mark Hargreaves
All good wishes and prayers to Prior Provincial Nicholas from the Benedictine brethren at Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester.
Fr. Simon Blakesley
Congratulations Fr. Nicholas – you clearly have the support of your brothers in the Province!
Fr. Simon Blakesley, Cambridge
Kathy Corander
Congratulations 🙌 best wishes and prayers from the Corander’s
Fr Chris Hickey
All good wishes and prayers to Prior Provincial Nicholas from St Patrick’s Parish, BROCKWORTH, Gloucester.
Fr Chris Hickey
All prayers & good wishes to the new Prior Provincial – from an ‘old’ boy of Blackfriars School, Laxton.
Dr Duncan MacLaren
Congratulations to Bro Nicholas on becoming Prior Provincial from the Glasgow Lay Dominicans. We hope he will strengthen the Order in Scotland where we now have only one priory and none in Glasgow, the largest and most Catholic city in Scotland. We look forward to meeting him north of the Border – and not just in Edinburgh!