DYM Advent Retreat: The Hope that is Within
About the retreat
In his first letter, St Peter says we must always be ready to give an account of the ‘hope that is within’ (1 Peter 3:15). What is this hope that we carry? What is the essence of the Gospel? Would you be able to give an ‘elevator pitch’ for Christianity? Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of our Saviour, and so a time to breathe fresh life into our faith and ponder anew the mystery of the Incarnation.
Over the course of the retreat weekend there will be a series of talks exploring the core of the Christian faith, helping us to hear the Good News as though for the first time, and so make us ready to give an account of the hope that is within.
The retreat will be led by Fr Toby Lees OP. As well as talks and meditations, there will be time for adoration and confession, and social time with other young Catholics. We will attend the Divine Office and Mass with the monks of Douai Abbey.
Who is it for?
The retreat is for any students and young professionals (18-35), including those new to the Catholic tradition or looking to deepen their faith.
Date and Timings
Friday 6th – Sunday 8th December
The retreat will begin with vespers (evening prayer) at 6pm on the Friday and conclude after lunch on Sunday.
How to get there
Douai Abbey is a monastery of monks of the English Benedictine Congregation, under the patronage of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr, located outside Reading.
The nearest rail station is Midgham, a short taxi ride or 25 minute walk from the Abbey. If you are travelling by car and have space to offer a lift to others let us know. It may also be possible to arrange lifts from the station.
More information about how to reach the Abbey can be found on their website here: https://www.douaiabbey.org.uk/contact-us.php
Booking information
The retreat costs £60 for students and the unwaged and £120 for wage-earners. This covers full food and board in single ensuite rooms. If you would like to attend but have financial difficulties for any reason please contact us. Bookings must be made by Friday 22nd November. The full amount must be paid before your space is confirmed.
To receive the booking form, and if you have any further questions, please email us:
Br John: john.church@english.op.org or Br George: george.gillow@english.op.org