DYM Summer Study Week 2025
About the week
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)
The annual Dominican Summer Study Week offers a systematic overview of Catholic theology for young adults and university students, especially for those seeking to make sense of theology and integrate it into a sustainable vision of Catholic life.
For those attending for the first time, the programme will follow the structure of St Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, covering subjects such as the Trinity, Creation, human nature and the fall, Grace and the Virtures, the Incarnation, the Church, and the Sacraments.
For those who have already attended and so completed the first stream, this year we will be re-starting the second stream, a cycle of complementary topics that rotates each year. This year the second stream will provide an introduction to the Catholic study of Sacred Scripture. As well as an overview of some key topics like Scripture and Tradition, divine inspiration, and inerrancy, we will also look at specific books and themes within the Bible.
Led by a team of Dominican friars and sisters, both streams will involve a mixture of talks, workshops, and discussions. During the week we will attend the liturgy with the monks of Worth Abbey, and there will also be time for personal prayer, walks, and social time with other young Catholics.
Who is it for?
The study week is open to any university student or young adult, aged 18-35, whether you are new to the Catholic tradition or looking to deepen your faith. No background in theology or philosophy required!
When and Where?
Dates: From 4pm on Friday 18th July – lunchtime on Tuesday 22nd July 2025
Venue: Worth Abbey, Crawley RH10 4SB
How to get there
Worth Abbey is a monastery of monks of the English Benedictine Congregation. The nearest mainline station is Three Bridges, which is only four miles away, on the London to Brighton and Bedford to Brighton railway lines. It is 15 minutes by taxi from the station to Worth Abbey. If you are travelling by car and have space to offer a lift to others let us know. It may also be possible to arrange lifts from the station.
More information about how to reach the Abbey can be found on their website here: https://worthabbey.net/how-to-get-to-worth/
Booking information
The week costs £190, which covers full room and board in shared rooms. If you would like to attend but have financial difficulties for any reason please let us know. Spaces are limited so book soon to reserve your spot!
The full amount must be paid before your space is confirmed. The deadline for registration is 30th April 2025. There is also the option of purchasing a ‘benefactors ticket’, to subsidise the attendance of others. To receive the booking form, and if you have any further questions, please email us: dym@english.op.org