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The Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul is both unusual, insofar as it celebrates two great saints on a single

The Fifth Lateran Council (1512-1517) happened in the sixteenth century before another important council, Trent. However, there is a considerable

Twelfth Sunday of the Year. Fr Robert Verrill argues that the most important question we ever ask is the one

Sr Helen Prejean, well known as the religious sister featured in the film ‘Dead Man Walking’, recently came to Blackfriars,

The end of the academic year is always greeted with a panoply of parties at Blackfriars. Here are some of

Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr. Allan White reflects upon how today's readings teach us about the ever new mercy of

There have been a number of times when there have been two or more people claiming to be the valid

Pope Francis’ decision to gather an advisory body of Cardinals from all over the world has prompted much discussion in

Tenth Sunday of the Year. Fr John Patrick Kenrick reflects on how through his humanity Jesus Christ communicates the compassion of

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Officially part of the liturgical calendar since 1856,

Last Sunday, the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in England, saw Oxford's annual Corpus Christi procession, which

The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Fr Peter Hunter shows how the Holy Eucharist brings us the joy of